“Life comes at you pretty fast” – Ferris Bueller
For me, life comes visually in 1/125th of a second. This is the visual story of my life. We are visual creatures. Our memories are filled with visual images. As I’ve gotten older, I look back and I have few regrets. One of the regrets I do have is that I didn’t take more pictures. It would be nice to see some of the people who came into my life. My memory fades as the years go by.
I took a lot of photographs of my son Rick when he was born. From the looks of my albums, I didn’t take as many pictures after he turned 7. I have pictures of him 10 years later, as he’s graduating High School and getting married. I see now, the importance of photographs. It has value. I try to teach people to document their life with photographs. Sometimes I’m lucky enough to help them document those important moments. This ‘BLOG’ is or will be a visual diary. Usually visually oriented, but I also like to write, so I will be writing when I get passionate about something. Thank you for reading my blog about a San Antonio Wedding Photographer: Richard Spears
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